Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

I should preface this by pointing out that I absolutely love the Uncharted games. When they retired Nathan Drake I was both disappointed and sadden by my imminent loss of Uncharted action. What was I going to do? Then Naughty Dog released Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and I realised all was not lost. In fact, all is now pretty damn great and will continue as such, possibly forever. The genius of this series is in its likeable characters, incredible set pieces, puzzles, gorgeous scenery, and a sense of being part of one of the best movies ever. And that is still the case.

India looks gorgeous

It seems like The Lost Legacy was going to be DLC but like a great short story, it just grew into a great story. You play Chloe, the cool, incredibly hot, adventurous lady from Uncharted 2 and 3. She partners with the double hard ex-mercenary, Nadine. They are both very likeable and their conversations and personalities really work well. There is also a special guest star – Sam Drake – but he is very much tagging along.

Puzzles are fun when they are this pretty

As for the actual game and how it plays, it is pretty much the same as all the other Uncharted titles. Which is a good thing. India looks stunning and there are some incredible set pieces and enjoyable puzzles. The only section I wasn’t that keen on was an early sandbox section where you are free to wander about, get stuff, kill baddies, find treasure and slowly unlock the next section of the game. It was ok, just a bit slow, and a bit aimless. I love a sandbox and people often criticise if things get too linear, but this section didn’t fully work for me. Soon after, however, things get back on track and it’s the familiar movie-like rollercoaster we all know and love.

To sum up, my worries about a lack of Nathan Drake were unfounded. This is a superb game. As it was meant to be DLC it is quite short – about 8 hours – but it is great fun and up there with the others. Maybe not quite a great as Uncharted 2 and 4 but that was no fault of the characters or game itself. They were just epic full-length games. I now look forward to more adventures featuring these ladies. Great stuff. Highly recommended.

Here is a trailer:

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