Promotion of Travel Book Time!

I have recently been mentally busy. This is the busiest time of year with seemingly everyone I know asking me to write or edit something or other. I am also in the last quarter of my novel and it is taking up a large chunk of my thought process with a corresponding dip in brain RAM. Plus, I have gone back to drawing, which is very therapeutic but surprisingly time-consuming.  Oh, and it turns out Red Dead Redemption 2 is awesome. So busy times that remind me I haven’t been able to travel much recently. This, in turn, made me recall the fact that I haven’t mentioned any of my short story books for ages.

A while ago I wrote some light-hearted travel stories and published them on Amazon. They actually hit the number one spot for travel writing short stories for a couple of days. Giddy and exciting times and I still have the screenshot. I have been meaning to change the cover for half a decade and make it less serious but I think the content is good. So if you like to travel, have a kindle, and want something fun and interesting to mull over for an hour or so, give it a go. It is also really cheap, I need to sell a few just to buy a single beer.

Here is the blurb:

Jason Ward tells three true stories of fairly perilous travel.
While backpacking in his early twenties, he decides to give fruit picking a go. Even without the spiders, snakes, and a plague of locusts, things turn out pretty badly.
A trip into the Atlas Mountains with his girlfriend turns out less than romantic when flash floods threaten to wipe out the town. The only escape option is a van full of Berber tribesmen and a waterlogged road on the edge of a cliff.
After moving to the peaceful paradise of Thailand, Ward goes to a local pub near his Bangkok flat. That evening there is a military coup. In Bangkok. So why can’t he see anything?
These stories are filled with humour and dollops of fear. Recommended for those who enjoy travel stories or just like reading about someone being mildly terrified in foreign countries.

So why not support the arts and buy me a third of a beer? Here is a link for US customers:

And here is another for Brits:

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