I am now slightly more awesome thanks to Udemy

Well, not just Udemy, a variety of sites and apps, but it is definitely one of the better ones. It is always good to better yourself (even though I am sure you’re superb) and thanks to the interweb you can now access a huge variety of learning resources. Obviously if you want to be old-school and get more knowledgeable on something specific, you can buy a book (or go to a library). My house is full of books and quite apart from all the great writing, it looks great. But some things are better taught by someone actually showing you stuff and talking – that is how I found myself impulsively signing up to Udemy courses.

Learning another language

I talked before about learning languages through apps. I am currently leveling up my Thai and also learning Japanese because I live in Thailand and may visit / move to Japan at some point in my life. Plus it is fun. It is really helpful to actually hear someone talk and in my experience, the tutors have all replied when I have had a question. You can use YouTube, apps and others but I have liked the courses on Udemy for some reason – more interaction I guess. Plus, you buy a course and you are done. No memberships or anything.

When it comes to apps I have become a fan Drops for slightly rarer languages (I am learning Thai). Other apps or programs like Duolingo or Memrise are great if you are studying a popular language. I am going to learn Mandarin or Japanese soon, depending on where I move, so I will see if Udemy or an app are the best bet for when I am not doing it in person.


I have a few books on drawing and a lot of skill comes from practice and observation but a course I did recently on Procreate digital art on the iPad Pro showed what a lot of stuff could do. It was mega helpful, even when it came to learning how to fill colours and draw lines and so on.

Other random stuff

There are also courses on utterly random things like how to solve a rubic cube or do well an esports or mathematics.

Ok I now feel like this post is becoming an advert or something. It is just that learning stuff of the internet is my only real option at the moment. When I lived in London there were a million things you could learn in classes across the city. In Thailand, as an expat, there aren’t. So presently, most of my options are online and sthat is why I am so into all this. It is pretty amazing that this is even possible and is what the world wide web was actually designed for – the sharing of knowledge. Not er… all the other stuff.

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