Why aren’t the UFO or UAP reports freaking people out?

I have never believed in UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) or UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) stories until now. My stance has always been there is definitely life out there in space, but the aliens haven’t yet made it to Earth. Or if they have, they’re just watching us undetected. If we wanted to watch cavemen without being detected, I reckon we could. (Obviously, we’d need to time travel first.)
I definitely don’t believe that aliens stop primarily Americans in the middle of nowhere, experiment on them, wipe their minds and then release them. Then, when the mind-wipe clearly fails, just keep doing the same thing anyway. As for cows being sliced up… fuck off. If people primarily see aliens when they happened to be asleep, they suffer from sleep paralysis. If these same people were born 500 years ago they’d be seeing witches or demons.
Another issue I have is that as cameras have improved, UFO sightings have dropped. This is because it is easier to realise that it was, in fact, a balloon / hoax / streetlight / hallucination.
I feel I should reiterate that I believe in aliens. I just don’t think they are doing the unsuccessful mind wipe and probe combo.
UFO / UAP developments – now it is official
Recently, there have been a lot of stories about weird things being seeing by navy pilots (and possibly just pilots) in the US. They now call a UFO a UAP. This presumably because most people who claim to have seen a UFO are often nuts and the whole acronym has been tainted. Now, the whole thing is becoming more credible so needs an exciting new name.
And it’s not just pilots who are reporting this. The Pentagon has confirmed them. Even Barrack Obama admitted last month that he knew about them. He said:
“There’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so … people still take (it) seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is.”
I first became aware of this new UFO wave when I saw a 60 minute thing about them. I find the US version of 60 minutes a bit weird, (there’s a lot of weird hair going on,) but this is still pretty compelling. Here is the clip:
So what could they be?
Now, this doesn’t necessary mean aliens but we shouldn’t rule them out. I see them as one of these options:
- Aliens! The extraterrestrials have finally given up watching us and hiding, and are now letting their presence be known. Why? Maybe they are about to make contact and make us be nicer to each other or give us energy sources that won’t fuck up the planet. Or they want to eat us. Who knows.
- An advanced intelligence on the Earth – This could be a highly advanced species like in the Abyss. Or maybe a Bond-type villain. Or, and this is the least likely, someone like China is suddenly way more advanced than we gave them credit for. This latter option is unlikely, as China would definitely be using such tech to bully people by now.
- Balloons, camera effects, etc – In the olden days of a decade or more ago, this would have been the most likely option. But these have been tagged by weapons systems. Plus – the whole Pentagon and Barrack Obama thing.
What does this mean?
If there is an intelligence – alien or otherwise – that is this much more advanced than us, then it would be a moment in history that would never be forgotten. It would change everything whether they are nice or not. It would forever change the way humanity looks at itself and could mark a turning point in civilisation. This is why it baffles me that not everyone is talking about it. People are still watching reality TV!
My big hopes would be friendly aliens with clean energy. Another big hope is that they want to communicate. Ideally with me.
There is still some doubt. I am not one for conspiracy theories or weird beliefs, but this is pretty compelling. I really hope it is an advanced intelligence that is friendly. Ideally, humanoid and sexy, but that’s being too hopeful.

A final word – please get in touch, whoever you are!
If you’re the advanced species that has been zipping around and are looking to get in touch – I volunteer myself for a chat. I am pretty sure you can work out emails, so drop me a line with some kind of proof – like a billion pounds sterling in my account.
The report is due out some time this month. I look forward to it. One other thing USA military people – buy some better cameras! Thanks.