Toast of London

I haven’t lived in the UK for a while now and somehow missed the entirety of the brilliant Toast of London. I accidentally came across it when picking an audio-book and it was recommended to me after having listened to Nomad by Alan Partridge. It was a good recommendation – if you like one, you will probably like the other, so I would like to personally thanks the algorithm responsible.
Toast of London stars the always funny and watchable Matt Berry. I was familiar with his work thanks to things like the IT Crowd and Garth Marenghi’s Dark Place. If you have seen either of them, you are some way toward knowing what to expect here. Mr Berry plays Steven Toast, who is a relatively successful actor and voice-over artist who never quite makes it big. He also attracts chaos and surreal mayhem supported by a very talented cast and occasional celebrity cameo.
This is not a show for everyone. It has nudity, swearing, drug taking, acts of violence, and occasional short outbursts of song. I love it. Thanks to the glory of the interweb and Netflix, I was able to finally catch up with Toast of London starting a few days ago and am now halfway through season 3. I know most people who share my slightly warped sense of humour have probably seen the show by now but there may be someone out there, like me, who missed it somehow. For those people, here is a trailer: