I’ll probable write more about writing from now on
After last week’s furious rant you will be pleased to hear I am in more of a chipper mood of late. This is possibly down to wearing noise cancelling headphones while I write coupled with an increase in writing or, alternatively, a mild uptick in beer intake (mostly because of rugby). Whichever it is, hello friend!

I have also been writing a lot more recently, an activity that always gets me in a good mood. As I write for a living this is a good thing and it makes me wonder sometimes how I am able to sustain a decent rant. I think I have worked it out. When I started my two websites I was working purely as a freelancer – mostly for print media and also in broadcast TV. Generally, when writing for someone else, you have to write in an approved style and get instructions like: “Write sexy and zeitgeisty!” or “Write like an old friend giving travel advise but still be a bit professional”. These are two I have been asked, just off the top of my head. “I love the article but can you make it 10% more zingy?” Annoying but fair enough, I suppose. The result of all this were two websites where I could talk about anything I wanted and use the word ‘bollocks’ at will. It was cathartic.
I have now been writing, at least 80% of the time, for the same employer, for five years. I have the style down pat and have free time to write my sites and also lots more fiction. Ahh, lovely fiction. I have been writing fantasy and science fiction stories since I was 10 years old and it is by far my favourite thing to do. (Writing/work related, obviously.) I have decided to dedicate a lot more of my time to fiction and will half-arse all other aspects of my life to fit it in.
This is all a rather long winded way of saying that from now on, I will probably be writing a lot more about writing. But don’t worry regular readers, as I will also undoubtedly lapse into the odd rant and/or review of other things that are fortunate enough to leap into my personal and lovingly curated echo-chamber of life.
In case you didn’t know and stumbled on this website by pure cosmic chance then I should mention that I have two short fiction books out. Just FYI and being a good host, you understand.
One is kind of scifi and deals with time in three very different stories – The Uneven Passage of Time.
The other is very much science fiction but I won’t give away any spoilers other than it questions reality itself! Cooperworld. I will send this to you for free if you promise to review it.
Ok. No more delaying. I need to actually to leap into action after so much talking. I can do this. I will finish Arkham Knight on PS4. Then I will write.