I made a new book cover with Procreate
Following last week’s article and the joy of travel websites, I was feeling inspired. I have many passions in life beyond travelling, drawing and writing but those three sound cooler and more cosmopolitan than comic books, games and low budget scifi, so I thought I would indulge my more artistic side. I was debating doing some drawing or working on some travel stories when I opened Procreate on my iPad. I am really coming across like an advert here but bollocks, it can’t be helped. (Note to self – look into affiliate marketing.) I will return to this in a second.
I also have a to-do list that has some stuff on it that is embarrassingly old. One of them is to do a new cover for my travel book Australia, Morrocco, Thailand – Three True Travel Stories. As Mrs Word of Ward pointed out at the time, it is a boring title to which I then added a boring cover. I can’t change the title sadly but acknowledging that she was, as ever, correct, I knew I should change the slightly depressing and serious looking cover. This was reinforced when a top 500 reviewer (I really am plugging stuff today, why don’t I make any money from this site?) said:
” My only complaint about the book is that it is far too short and I wasn’t ready for it to end. The author writes science fiction, but I sincerely hope he will take a break soon and give us some more non-fiction. I also think that a snappier title and more interesting cover art would keep this very good book from being overlooked. “
Thank you Whistlers Mom! (Whom I promise I don’t know.) And good point. So back to my already long story. I opened my favourite art app and Procreate said it now supports the addition of text. I now have a new cover which looks decidedly more chipper and travel-friendly than before. I will edit this when I have uploaded the final version but for now, I thought any budding authors with boring covers might want to know that you can now do this on Procreate.
In case you are interested – be interested – below is the current version of the new cover. It is still a work in progress. If you can’t wait you can buy the book by clicking on this link. (Seriously, no need to wait.) I hope this was of vague interest/help.