WordPress themes and plugins
I love gadgets and technology. I am thrilled at how I can do my job on a beach or in a pub. Possibly other places too, I’ll get back to you. On the whole I am pretty good with technology and am the go-to guy for a lot of my friends and family if they want some kind of system linked up or getting a new device up and running. However, even though I have a couple of websites, I find the whole blog thing more complicated than I should. I know it is possible to use something like Wix but I prefer the separate host and then a WordPress setup. Because of flexibility or something, even I have forgotten why. So I only have myself to blame.
Last week I did some updates to this site and it broke it. Fortunately Hostgator has great support and they fixed it in a few minutes but I am now quite wary about updating anything. I can obviously work out how to post various things and regularly change themes and the general outlook but when I get a warning that something like my sql database is out of date, I have no idea what to do. I then google how to update whatever is needed and am often shown to a helpful video that details what to do step by step. Except, because I have updated all the other updates that are easy to do, the buttons and menus shown have moved around. Fuck I sound old. Fortunately there is an option to ignore warning for a couple of months, so problem temporarily solved.
I recently decided that both of my websites looked dated and boring and if I changed everything it may miraculously update loads of other crap as well. So I went to change the WordPress Theme (which changes the look and layout) of them both at the same time. I am impulsive, it is why I’m so exciting to be around. But then a rare moment of wisdom made me decide to just update my www.scifiward.com website first. I had designed a really cool logo for the header picture and everything. Predictably the sailing did not go smoothly and I had to redesign a quite tedious looking logo for it. You can see what I mean:

Arguably, it has a cleaner and more simple look but it is missing my books on the front screen and any individual character. I only write all this because change is a-coming here too. I just need to know what the hell went wrong with all the WordPress plugins and so on before. So if you read my inane outpourings on a regular basis, don’t worry if you see a different looking website. Or even a completely broken one. It should be just temporary. I just need to rethread my sql manifold and the tachyon impulse matrix is a go. Or turn it off and on again. Just hang in there.