Why engagement rings are a scam – Adam ruins everything

I love a good debunking. Shows like Mythbusters and Adam ruins everything are fascinating and provide fuel to the sort of person who gets great pleasure from pointing out how commonly held beliefs and ideas are wrong. People very much like
I saw this one the other day and thought I would share as it made me laugh and get annoyed at the same time. I was already aware that diamonds aren’t as rare as people think and it is all thanks to De Beers, their vaults of diamonds and ownership of mines. I’ve seen Blood Diamond and read Wilbur Smith after all. On the one hand, I had always thought, you fuckers- holding what is basically a monopoly on the world’s diamond supply just so you can manipulate the price. On the other hand, kudos and well done for being fucking awesome at manipulating the entire world.
I then discovered, thanks to this clip, that the whole diamond engagement ring thing is yet another scam/manipulation by De Beers and consequently fell more strongly into the ‘you fuckers’ camp. As a married man, I have bought one of these after all. Happily, I was utterly broke and unemployed at the time so Mrs Word of Ward got a ring that could be best be described as unspectacular. The thing is, you don’t really have a choice in the matter and as had been revealed, it is all a bit of a scam anyway. So I was just being wise. Anyway, here is Adam ruins everything, to ruin it all in more detail. Enjoy.