Happy New Year!

beachnyHappy bloody New Year! I hope it is going well for you so far and that you haven’t already failed miserably at keeping your resolutions. I have never really gone for resolutions but I will be making some minor alterations to my lifestyle. Mostly my writing lifestyle. Even though my full-time day job is writing, I also write for pleasure. My websites and increasingly, fiction, provide a welcome release valve for the sort of thing I usually write at work.

I am only sharing this because psychologists have proven that sharing your goals really increases your chances of achieving them. I won’t quote sources here, because I am not at work and you clearly have access to Google. So: this year I will write more on my websites and publish more fiction. Fiction like Cooperworld, which is a short story I wrote that you can see at the top of the page. Feel free to take a peek or buy copy. (FEEL FREE! DO IT!)

I hope at least some of you are doing ok with your resolutions and have set some achievable goals. If you have failed already… have fun! Happy new year!


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