The daily routine of various creative people
As I grow older and massively wiser, I am starting to enjoy the delights of a more structured daily routine. When I was younger I often didn’t go to bed until… well, any time between 2am and midday was the norm. Working freelance in journalism and live TV didn’t really help either. But now I am happy to discover that I have developed into the kind of dull bastard, with a regular routine, of which my younger self would have despaired. I have increasingly found myself to be more productive and creative – although that could simply be down to fewer hangovers as I grow more sensible and boring.
I go to bed at 1 am and am up at the crack of 8 am. Sometimes, if things are going crazy, these times may vary by up to half an hour. Now, I find myself wanting even more of schedule – one that is something of a routine for the entire day. What do other people do? Thanks to the internet and lack of routine, I did some idle research.
It didn’t take long before I came across a fascinating infographic on famous creative types and their equally creative daily routine. I now feel a bit lazy for not getting up before 8 am. Most research shows that annoying go-getter types rise early. Other research shows that you function better in the morning, so it really is advisable to crack on with the good stuff first, and then the crap, tedious bollocks like emails and so on in the afternoon. I would link to some research but if you can read this, you can look at google yourself and pick the news source/ echo chamber of choice. In case you have a spare moment however, here is the infographic (thanks to – the source for this is here.)

Want to develop a better work routine? Discover how some of the world’s greatest minds organized their days.
Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).