Star Wars droids in Raiders of the Lost Ark

I don’t know how the hell this slipped by me unnoticed but the droids from Star Wars appear in Raiders of the Lost Ark. In my defence, I saw the movie three times when it came out in the cinema but I was really young. Then there were a couple of decades where I had to watch it on the ancient combo of VHS tape and cathode ray TV screen (and a small one at that), where it was hard to see anything at all.

I noticed other more glaring references in Lucas’s films – Princess Leia’s cell block was 1138, a reference to THX1138; and Club Obi Wan in Temple of Doom.  There is also R2D2 in the new Star Trek films (more than once) as you can see here; obviously not a Lucas film but still pretty cool. But as I have just learnt, there are a couple of droid related Easter eggs that I missed in Raiders.

They both occur in the Well of Souls, when Indy and Sallah are in there getting the Ark. The first is when they lift aside the huge slab of stone that covers the Ark. You can see the two droids, R2D2 and C3P0 on the pillar, between the coils of a snake.
The second example is when they are lifting the Ark and you can see a hieroglyph of the Star Wars scene when Princess Leia inserts the data into R2D2 with C3P0 nearby. Here:

You may be looking this and thinking, so? Well, good point you miserable sod. I just thought it was kind of interesting.

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