New Year Resolutions are easy to keep

I recently read an article in New Scientist that said statistically, if you make new year resolutions, you are more likely to keep them than merely vaguely wanting to do something. I had read in Professor Richard Wiseman’s 59 seconds that said if you publicly let people know your resolutions, then you will try harder to achieve your goals simply to avoid looking a bit of a twat. I should also point out that most people still fail because they set unrealistic goals and are just generally losers.
Three years ago I wrote about generally setting small easily achievable targets. For example, as a writer, I will try and write 1000 words a day next year up from my usual 750. I shall achieve this by drinking less next year as I find it hard to focus when hungover. These are achievable goals as I can easily write 1000 words a day and have just been lazy. Plus, I drank way too much in 2019, so drinking less should be pretty damn doable. My final lifestyle tweak is the hardest – to care even less about what other people think. This will be pretty tough as my respect for my fellow humans is pretty low already. As always, I will be helped in these endeavours by apps.
Many years ago I vowed to not make any resolutions and these clearly don’t count as resolutions, they are just minor tweaks to an awesome individual’s life. They are all realistic and now out in public so I will totally be able to do them.
So bollocks to resolutions and I hope your minor tweaks are a success. This year’s Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, is the 20th of January. At least try and make it until then. Finally, in this last post of the year – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!