Meteors over Bangkok

Although this website is supposed to be a blog as well as a review/rant/whatever-I-find-interesting kind of a site, I don’t actually ‘blog’ all that much. It seems a bit self indulgent and really, exciting though my life is, who cares what I am up to outside of family and close friends? Occasionally, however, things I find interesting happen to me or near me and this is one such case.
Less than two months ago, a meteor was spotted over Bangkok. You can see it in the picture above. Sadly that happened at 8:30 in the morning, when only the gainfully employed or insane are awake. I live in Bangkok and I missed it.
Last night, the Mrs and myself were relaxing at home and out of the corner of my there was a bright flash. At first I thought it was lightning from an approaching storm – it is the end of rainy season here and storms with lightning are common. Mrs Wordofward is more alert than I am, especially on a Sunday, and she said it was a green/blue flash that lit the sky. I grunted in a vaguely interested way and then social media started going a bit crazy about it.
Apparently we are in the midst of the Taurid meteor shower and this year is a good ‘un. There are supposed to be more meteors and I am now glued to the skies. Which is going to be dangerous in a place where pavements are full of stray dogs, missing manhole covers, people cooking with oil and coal, and tons motorbikes, but I will chance it. Here is a video. You will see why I think this is worth a share. Bring on the meteors!