James Webb compared to Hubble. Space porn!

The James Webb telescope has started beaming back incredible pictures, and screensavers around the world are being updated. The new telescope is seen as a replacement for good old Hubble, which launched in 1990 and was supposed to retire in 2005.
In case you missed some of the astounding pictures from James Webb, here are some more:

It is hard to comprehend just how long ago this galaxy started beaming its light in our direction. But it was a mere 300 million years after the Big Bang.
If you are a creationist, then this is all meaningless, but for the rest of sensible people, this is incredible.
But you probably know all about these pictures – except maybe that last one.
What prompted me to write this was mostly just to share the astounding pictures some more. I mean, they are gorgeous. But I also found a cool comparison site/app thing that compares Hubble to James Webb.
I don’t want to be mean to Hubble. It was an incredible achievement that brought us some legendary pictures. But the new ones are better. How much better? Well, have a look at this site. It allows you to see for yourself.
Here is a video showing what I mean:
I just thought this was cool as it really helps show what the James Webb is capable of doing. If you want to see the others, here is the site again. Enjoy!