iPad Pro 13-inch M4 the all-in-one device I’ve been looking for

I love my iPad Pro. Actually, that should be plural as I have the original 13-inch version from 2015, and an 11-inch from 2021. Remarkably, both still work, if a little reluctantly in the former’s case. I also have an M1 MacBook Air. Mrs Word of Ward thinks I spend too much money on gadgets.
What devices do I currently need that could be replaced by a shiny new iPad Pro?
The word ‘need’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, but screw it. Technically, I could live in the woods, eat berries and crap in a stream, so it is all relative.
For work
I need a writing device, so that means a laptop or tablet with Scrivener and Word on it. My MacBook Air and both iPad Pros can do that. I have keyboards for the latter, and they are a delight to write on. The bigger version is obviously better due to more screen space, but it weighs the same as my laptop.
I also occasionally need other programs like Excel and Google Docs. Again – all good, and all better on a larger screen.
I read a lot. I read about a book a week and found that the iPad was great. The books are mostly science fiction and fantasy (you can see my reviews on this awesome site). But I also read thrillers, adventure books, and lots of others – you can read some reviews here.
The original 13-inch was good when on a stand or on my lap, but the 11-inch was better as it was lighter. However, both gave me mild eye strain after a few hours, so I got a Kindle. Which is superb.
I also read non-fiction books, quite often about science, history, or productivity. These frequently have diagrams and pictures, so they are better on the iPad than the Kindle.
Then there are magazines and comics. Both are better on the 13-inch, but that is nine years old, and despite being an iPad Pro, the visual crispness isn’t that great.
These are very first-world problems, I know.
TV shows and games
I use my PlayStation 5 and big TV for huge and spectacular blockbuster games and films. For everything else, I use the iPad Pro or my work monitor. The former is for when I want a big session and a grand experience, and the latter is for everything else.
A fairly standard writing break when I am not reading is QI on YouTube on my monitor, and Kingdom Rush or Civilisation 6 on the iPad. The games are better on the bigger iPad, but some newer games no longer work.
Drawing, art, design, and general creative shenanigans
I have recently been learning to draw. I’ve also been doing a series of lessons on digital art – primarily on Procreate. It is a lot of fun, especially drawing stuff from the books I’m writing, and also interesting things I see when travelling. It uses a different part of my brain.
Obviously, the iPad Pro is ideal for this, even if you’re rubbish at art like me. The old one can’t do many layers and the pencil is no longer up to scratch. The newer one is better, but the screen is a bit small for my liking.
Conclusion – the new iPad Pro can replace both iPads, my Kindle, and my laptop.
Normally, when I leave the house, I take my 11-inch iPad, my Kindle, and my laptop. These cover all my needs except gaming, detailed art, and so on. Sometimes, I take the iPad Pro 11-inch and Magic Keyboard, but when doing writing that requires research or a dual screen, it isn’t the best.
It has long been my incredibly privileged and whiny bane in life that I can’t just carry one device to do everything I need. I have said for a decade that my ideal device would be a MacBook Air with a screen you can detach and use as an iPad. That is now here.
I had a Microsoft Surface for a while as part of my search, but it wasn’t a great tablet. It may be better now, but it did have two modes—one as a laptop and one as a tablet. It was pretty cool. The Apple Developer wotsit is soon, and I suspect there will be some pretty cool announcements that will take advantage of what the new iPad Pros can do.
I don’t think Apple will follow Microsoft’s lead, but the line between tablets and laptops is getting narrower, and I think that trend will continue. I need to spend a bit of time with the thing, but I am fully convinced it is everything I need in one shiny form.
I might have to sell a kidney to pay for one, but I’m sure it will be worth it. I’ll write a review in a few weeks.