Hire a professional writer – www.jasonwardwriter.com

Exciting news! Now that I have returned to writing freelance full time, I have a spanking new website – www.jasonwardwriter.com. Unlike this fantastic site, it is much more professional. I actually started this website, and www.scifiward.com, to blow off steam after a hard day’s freelancing. That is why it can be a barely disguised rant at times.
Both are also great places to try and share and promote my books, obviously. (Go on, have a quick look, pretty please, they are both fiction and non-fiction.)
The site is being updated and improved. The portfolio section shows a selection of things I have written and this will have new and exciting things added all the time.
If you want to hire me for any kind of writing, there is a new email address – jasonwardwriter@gmail.com. The wordofward@gmail.com also works if you want to get in touch about anything. You can probably guess the Scifiward gmail account if you are ever so clever.
So if you are bored or want to hire someone with literally decades of experience, feel free to have a gander at www.jasonwardwriter.com and see what you think. Cheers.