Coronavirus, what are the best masks?

I wrote about the coronavirus and masks a month ago when it was just beginning to scare people / be talked about by the media all the time. The two things are obviously closely related. Thanks media. My stance then was that people need a better grasp of mathematics, statistics, and how the media and organisations like WHO make their cash. The main concern for scientists is that it is still not fully understood. Which is fair enough.
My stance now is that I have decided to panic. We have been here before and it wasn’t all that bad but this time it seems more serious. Serious enough that I am staying in and spending my time writing, reading, watching Netflix and playing games. Actually that is pretty much my usual life minus visits to the pub.
The reason why I was complacent was that I still remembered Swine Flu. I wrote about how that was all hype 10 years ago. That had exactly the same panic, including the WHO downgrading its definition of ‘pandemic’ and ‘mass graves’ being dug. Curiously enough, with Swine Flu, the Chinese were putting Mexicans in quarantine. They were still blockading stuff in Hong Kong, however. Back then it was a hotel. Here in Thailand more people die every day on the roads than have from the virus so far but that will probably change.
I’m British/Australian/Irish and one thing all those nationalities have in common is having a sense of humour in the face of adversity. So lets laugh at some masks shall we? Before we do so, I should also state that I think these masks work as well as normal masks in stopping you getting the virus, so they are probably valid. The main way people get it is by touching a surface contaminated by coronavirus and then touching you eyes or mouth. The masks might remind you to not do this. Some of these masks definitely help fight that urge. If the virus is a bad as scaremongers say we’re doomed. So cheer up and try to top one of these awesome creations:

Cabbage man doesn’t actually cover his mouth or his eyes but he clearly wins and must be able to sort something out with brussels sprouts or transparent lettuce. Sanitary pads, fruit and bras are pretty inventive as well. Some other creations while people are just getting on with life are brilliant. I think all of these are from China. These go beyond mere masks.

People are awesome. Well some of them. I have on more than one occasion seen people in masks lowering them to sneeze or cough. I guess their thinking is that the mask is like a gas mask and not what it is actually originally designed for – to stop people spreading germs with their gobby mouth-spittle. That is why people should wear them.
Johns Hopkins CSSE have a website with live updates if you want to be scared. If you want to panic, the below outfit up will help. Until then, just wash your sodding hands.