It is cold in the UK and apparently I’m not allowed to complain

The UK and big chunks of Europe are all being hit by some mega cold snap right now. In the UK they are calling it the ‘Beast from the East’. It looks damned chilly and I offer my sympathies. Apparently, I can’t complain as I live in Bangkok. My fellow Brits are obsessed with the weather and it is frequently a topic of conversation – I imagine even more so right now. But there is some kind of unspoken covenant that if I mention on Facebook that March and April are particularly unpleasantly warm in Thailand, then I ridiculous amounts of grief. Happily, I have a website and can turn comments off.
I am not saying this purely to be a dick. (Maybe a little.) But as a public service, I feel that others should know that tempting though it is right now when it is snowing in March, Thailand can suck too. Just in a different way. The hottest times of year here are March and April and stepping out into the Bangkok air feels like walking in a dirty moist blanket that has been soaked in sweat. Basically, it is like living in an armpit that has been exposed to pollution. It is a famously warm place at the best of times. Most years when it is not as cold in Europe, I would say to stay where you are and enjoy the Spring. I don’t know what is better: -4C and dry, or +40C and humid as hell.
Neither is nice. My advice – have a drink. Ideally somewhere at a different latitude – Hong Kong and Hanoi are nice.
I saw this pic and briefly laughed. I am not complaining or mocking. I am merely filling in time till it cools down and I can go to the pub.