Charge your phone using the power of plants

Thanks to science, photosynthesis, soil, our lord the Sun and a clever group of people, you can now charge your phone using plant power. Which is pretty ecological and admirable, if it wasn’t for the fact that most people will then be glued to their phone for most of the day like an anti social zombie.
(If you are reading this on your phone/tablet – I am not referring to you, you are awesome and living life to the max.)
As I was saying. Some smart and eager types from a company called Bioo ( have designed a plant pot where the soil, plant, photosynthesis, and magic all lead to a USB that can charge you device. It can charge your device several times a day, assuming the plant is up for it. You need the pot though, you can’t just plug into a handy tree while in a beer garden or whatever. (Do that next Bioo!)
I live in the tropics and frankly there is too much photosynthesis going on and so might as well tap into it. The plants on out balcony having been getting a free ride for too long (although I like the whole carbon dioxide to oxygen thing, so have let them slide).
Shallow remarks aside, I think this sort of thing is superb. Along with advances in using solar power in the news recently – Germany leading the way – places like Portugal running for four days straight on renewable energy, Tesla’s Powerwall and so on, humanity is finally getting its act together. On this particular issue anyway.
Anyway, plants and phones and small scale power. Here is a much more informative and less opinionated clip explaining more about how you can charge your phone using good old green stuff.