Birds of Prey trailer, Harley Quinn’s emancipation!

The full title is Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) but from now on I will go with the shorter version. Birds of Prey follows the always watchable Margot Robbie as she reprises her role as the bat-shit crazy, bat-wielding, Batman-hating Harley Quinn. The film is set after Suicide Squad and Harley Quinn obviously wants a bit of distance from the horrors of that movie. Oh and she has split up with the Joker (aka Jared Leto is no longer needed). So with no Joker or Suicide Squad to hold her back, Harley Quinn is forming a new gang.
What we know so far
Margot Robbie had been pushing for this for a while. Apparently before Suicide Squad even came out. She was definitely one of the better parts of that movie even if her superpower is basically being a bit nuts. The good thing this time is that Birds of Prey will be (at time of writing) an R Rated movie. So lots of bones being broken by bats and clubs.
Birds of Prey features a team up with Black Canary, Huntress, Cassandra Cain and Renee Montoya. Plus maybe a few others. It’s a loose gang that has happened in the comics back in 1996 (which then included Oracle – Barbara Gordon.) It looks like the big bad may be Ewan McGregor as Roman Slonis, aka Black Mask. Details are pretty vague at present. There are also rumours that this might be the first of a trilogy of movies featuring Harley Quinn but as I have already said too frequently this post, details are vague.
Birds of Prey is due out on 7th February 2020 and I suspect there will be a few more trailers and tidbits of information before then. Here is the trailer: