Spectre trailer
This Spectre trailer has all the elements in place for a better Bond and I am excited.
Reviews, Blog, and the occasional Rant
This Spectre trailer has all the elements in place for a better Bond and I am excited.
It is hard to imagine horror and scale of certain wars. World War 2 in particular. You can read the facts and figures but it is still really hard to visualise. This video from historian Neil Halloran, helps put things into perspective.
Last week Dave Growl broke his leg and carried on performing. Then a the lead singer of the band John Coffey, a fellow called David Achter de Molen, does this. Rock and roll!
I usually give the blurb I wrote but instead I thought it would be nice to include a couple of reviews written on the US Amazon website.
This short video shows the history of the world in just two minutes. It is very well done.
The Max Max B roll is 18 minutes long and is pretty damned interesting. It is the B Roll and contains some interesting clips about how certain parts were made. It turns out there are a lot of brave stunt men and George Miller is a superb director.
Just when I thought I had all the gadgets I need, along comes the Lily Camera. This is very cool indeed. It is a drone that follows you around and … Read More
I was fresh from watching the Avengers: Age of Ultron (which was superb) when someone showed me this. When watching the Avengers I always think it is pretty cool that … Read More
Where in Bangkok can you get decent whisky and cigars. Easy. I could do one of those “Top 10” articles but frankly, in Bangkok, you might as well go to Whisgars – it’s superb.
Quadcopter racing seems pretty fun from this footage but clearly having jedi-like reactions helps quite a lot as they crash frequently.
Who do you see in the picture? Albert Einstein or Marilyn Monroe? If Monroe, then you’d better pop to the opticians. There is some quite cool science behind this but it basically boils down to how we recognise faces.
I thought I was fairly observant but then the internet came along and proved me wrong.
What would happen if you took 10 iconic cartoon and comic characters and then have them drawn in the style of 10 iconic artists? This is what will happen.
Have you ever wondered what sunset on Mars would look like? I do, almost daily. Well, now you can see it for yourself that to science! When you think of all the achievements that must have taken place for this to happen, it is pretty damned incredible. I was going to list them but it would take too long.
25 years ago, Voyager 1 turned round and took a picture of the Earth from 3.7 billion miles away. It is known as the Pale Blue Dot photo and it’s amazing.
Thanks to studying ancient techniques and being generally pretty cool, Lars Andersen is a modern-day Legolas.
In case you’ve always wondered which actor does which voice, here is a handy chart.
Do you have a phone or tablet and an ounce of adventure in your soul? If so, you should buy the game 80 Days as it is brilliant. It is basically a superbly written text adventure based on Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days.
Happy New Year! The Word of Ward hopes 2015 finds you abundantly well and having a superb time all the time.
This is what can happen if you try and do a report next to a big pile of burning drugs. Hilarity!