Australia, Morocco, Thailand – getting book covers from Fiverr

I finally got round to getting a new book cover done for my ‘Australia, Morocco, Thailand’ travel stories collection. The previous ones I did myself and I am not ashamed to say, were bloody awful.
There is a very talented lady on Fiverr who does them and it’s amazing what she can do with some stock pictures and a bit of imagination. (That was not a link to her, but I can provide one if needed.) By way of comparison, here was my previous attempt:

I mean, it’s not bad, but it does look like I did it in the pub on an iPad (on Procreate according to the post I wrote). I can draw but I am not in any way talented when it comes to design. As is now clear. I think the new cover more suits the blurb and vibe of the book:
Jason Ward tells three true stories of fairly perilous travel.
Australia, Morocco, Thailand, Three True Travel tales
While backpacking in his early twenties, he decides to give fruit picking a go. Even without the spiders, snakes, and a plague of locusts, things turn out pretty badly.
A trip into the Atlas Mountains with his girlfriend turns out less than romantic when flash floods threaten to wipe out the town. The only escape option is a van full of Berber tribesmen and a waterlogged road on the edge of a cliff.
After moving to the peaceful paradise of Thailand, Ward goes to a local pub near his Bangkok flat. That evening there is a military coup. In Bangkok. So why can’t he see anything?
These stories are filled with humour and dollops of fear. Recommended for those who enjoy travel stories or just like reading about someone being mildly terrified in foreign countries.
If this has inspired you at all… good. Get out there and create. Write or do graphic type things! One thing though – you should, and I cannot stress how essential this is, have a look at this.
Ok, spoiler alert – that was a link to my book. Thanks in advance.