This one simple trick means you won’t have to quit Facebook

I have never threatened to quit Facebook but I know a ton of people who have and frankly it’s irksome. Sorry for my language. Most of the time they seem to be the people who post the most and are generally pretty vocal about, well, fucking everything.

I remember in olden more naive times –  4 or 5 years ago – people going on about how Facebook can use your photos and information and how shocking this all was for some reason. This was usually accompanied by some post that you had to share and make go viral because, er… Even then, I was baffled. Facebook is not your site. It isn’t a private service (like the cloud) that you pay for. Why do you think they encourage you to post everything about yourself? It isn’t a charity, it makes ludicrous piles of cash. If, in near future, someone new starts yet another site where you can post stupid selfies so your stupid friends can stupidly click how great you look (and I predict this will happen soon), please be aware in advance that they will use your info to try to sell you crap you don’t need. If you are cool with that, kudos to you, just as long as you are aware.

Here is a handy tip: if you don’t want your info shared, don’t share it on a site owned by a third party. No one cares if you are on holiday or having a great lunch anyway. In fact, numerous studies have shown that you are actually making people depressed, so stop being a prick.

So there is no need to quit Facebook. Just use it less, (or even stop for a bit,) and fight the urge to share everything. Above all, stop threatening to do it, getting loads of comments, and then not doing it and posting shitloads again. It’s needy.

Please ‘like’ if you agree. Please ‘share’ if you hate war or people torturing kittens. I need the hits and advertising revenue.

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